Option 1 Save your swatch group to the Illustrator library. The best option for you will depend on how you plan to use them and which one works better for your workflow.
#How to add a color to swatch in word for mac how to#
There are two different options on how to save your swatches. Save Swatches Any customizations you make to your swatches panel are saved with the document, but if you want to use those swatches in other projects you’ll have to save them first. Arrange them in the order that makes the most sense to you and your workflow. Fortunately you can easily rearrange your swatch order just by clicking and dragging the swatches around in the group. Rearrange Your Swatches If you made your swatch group from existing artwork, Illustrator may have arranged the swatches in a way you don’t prefer. This will take all colors you’re using and organize them into a swatches group automatically for you. Use the Selected Artwork option and leave Convert Process to Global and Include Swatches for Tints unchecked, then click ok. First, select all of your artwork and click on the New Color Group button. If you’ve already created your artwork and chose the colors you want to use, you can automatically make a swatch group from those colors.

You can also save gradients, and even patterns, as swatches. To add them to the group simply drag the swatch from the active fill color into your group. This will make a group you can add colors to as you pick them for your project. Click on the New Color Group button, name it whatever you would like and click ok. New Color Group Now let’s make a group to organize our swatches. Once you have them selected, just press the trash can button in the bottom right corner of the panel. You can select entire swatch folders simply by clicking on the folder icon. To select multiple swatches, just click on the first swatch, and then shift + click on the last swatch. I like to do this because I never end up using the default swatches, and clearing them out makes it easy to see the swatches I actually want to use. Now delete any colors that are currently in the panel. Open Swatches Next, open the swatches panel by going to Windows → Swatches. If you would like to make a color palette using colors from a current or past Illustrator project, open that file instead. If you’re just starting on new project go ahead and make a new document. New Document First we need to be able to access our colors in Illustrator. So let’s jump in a organize those colors! 1. And the less chaotic your workspace is the more you can focus on creating awesome work. Using color palettes in Adobe Illustrator is just one way you can tame the chaos and keep your workspace organized. If it’s a mess, you’re going to be tripping over things and you’re going to have a hard time focusing in all the chaos. Think of your digital workspace like your house.